Longwood LUau!!
Part 2:
October 23
Time for the booths,
Color Wars,
Dr. Jordan's Ghost Stories,
and...back for round two...
The Feenies!!
Part 1:
October 2-3
Oktoberfest Schedule
September 27- Dr. Jordan's Bonfire 9:30 pm on Iler Field
- Rain location: Jarman Auditorium
- There will be food and refreshments
- Dr. Jordan will be giving the story/history of Oktoberfest weekend and the traditions that take place at Longwood University
Spirit Days:
- Monday 9/28: Longwood Spirit Day
- Tuesday 9/29: Tacky Tourist Day
- Wednesday 9/30: Oktoberfest Shirt Day
- Thursday 10/1: Class Color Day (Seniors and Sophomores wear red, Freshman and Juniors wear green)
- Friday 10/2: Whiteout (get ready for Color Wars!)
October 1
- Alzheimer's Walk
- 5 pm at Lankaster Mall
October 2
- Color Wars at 4 pm on Iler Field
- Wear all white and get ready to throw paint!
- Communication Sciences and Disorders/Speech, Language and Hearing Services Open House
- 4 - 6 pm at 315 W. Third St.
Room 112
- Battle of the Bands
- 5 pm at Lankford Mall
October 3
- Oktoberfest!
- Parade at 12:00 pm on Stubbs Lawn!
Band List:
Oktoberfest Line-Up
12:00-12:20 Parade, Spirit Leader, and Klown Dance Lancer Stage (Small Stage)
12:20-2:15 Student Entertainment Longwood Stage (Large Stage)
2:20-3:15 Feenies Lancer Stage
3:15-4:15 Dave Matthew's Tribute Band Longwood Stage
4:30-5:30 Charlie Worsham Longwood Stage
5:45-6:30 Post Malone Longwood Stage

Source: longwoodmortarboard.weebly.com

Oktoberfest 2015: Tag 66 Wiesn-Aufbau @ Theresienwiese (16 ...

Oktoberfest 2015: 3 Tage vor offiziellem Start des Wiesn ...

Oktoberfest 2015: Tag 61 Wiesn-Aufbau @ Theresienwiese (11 ...