We hope to see you there!
All events listed here are open to the public, you do not have to be a member to attend.
Please check in for additions or changes to calendar.
Please call us at (973) 328-9693
NOTE: Please leave your full name, phone number and number of people in your party; request a return call if you have any questions. Thank you
Business Casual Dress Required (no sneakers or jeans please) to dining hall events.
(Germania Park reserves the right to change events, menus or entertainment without notice. Check here, Facebook, or Twitter for changes)
3/5 Schlachtfest
Music by the Maria & John
Doors open at 6 pm, dinner starting at 6:30 PM (dinner is optional), and music 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM.
Schlachtfest features a selection of meats and wursts, along with mashed potatoes and sauerkraut. Schweinshaxe (pig's knuckles), Kassler (smoked Pork Chop), Blutwurst, Liverwurst and Wurstsuppe (sausage soup) $19. Coffee and cake is $4. Cash only. Cash bar.
Business casual dress.
Entrance fee members $4, non-members $6
Please make reservations, if possible by Wednesday night before the event.
Club (973) 328-9693
3/27 Easter Brunch - 11:30 am - 2:30 pm CD's
*change from dinner to brunch*
4/30 Austrian Night Dance - Bud & Linda Gramer
5/15 Gesangverein Concert - 4 pm Concert at Trinity Lutheran Church
6-10 pm Dinner and Music at clubhouse
6/25 Oktoberfest 1-5pm Bernie's Orchestra 6-10pm Adlers
6/26 Oktoberfest 12-4pm Joe Kroboth 5-9pm Austrian Boys
8/5 Biergartenfest 6-11pm Alpine Squeeze
8/27 Hawaiian Night - Don Bitterlich
9/17 Oktoberfest - 1-5pm Joe Unger 6-10pm Blasorchester Oberlind e.V.
9/18 Oktoberfest - 12 - 9pm Blasorchester Oberlind e.V.
10/22 Schlachtfest - Joe Unger
11/5 Liederabend - Willie Aust
12/1 German Christmas Show 6pm optioanl dinner, 7pm show