Top 10 Things You Should Know About the Leavenworth Oktoberfest
1- The ticket price is just your admission into the event. Food/Beverages are sold separate.
2- Tickets are available online or at the gate. If you decide to purchase at the gate..its cash only. Pre-sale/online tickets go on sale around the end of August each year. They are printed off at home or use the selfie app.
3- Once you're inside the gates find a ticket line and purchase your meal and drink tickets. There are cash and credit card lines.
4- Get your official Oktoberfest Souvenirs early for best selection. Available at the East and West Gates
5- You can move around and visit all 4-Venues each offering non stop live entertainment
6- Each Venue has food and beer lines
7- Your wristband gets you in and out of the gates
8- Sorry- No Pets allowed inside the Oktoberfest gates
9- Minors are only allowed with an adult until 9 pm each night
10-Every Saturday at noon is our procession down Front Street with the keg tapping ceremony at 1 pm in the Festhalle
Dates for 2016
Sept 30-Oct 1, Oct 7-8 & 14-15
Remember to book your hotel early...things fill up fast! Try Wenatchee hotels if you cant find anything in Leavenworth. There is a shuttle that works the area for a small fee.
Take a closer look at the Oktoberfest compound click here
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leavenworth oktoberfest RULES & GUIDELINES
- No Refunds or Exchanges
- 12 & under get in free when accompanied by an adult
- All Ages Welcome until 9pm each night (all minors must leave the premises by 9pm)
- Rain or Shine
- Everyone subject to search & metal detector scanning upon entry
- Do not remove your festival admission bracelet. It cannot be replaced and you will be denied entry
- No unauthorized vending – if you’re not a registered vendor you may not sell or distribute anything on the festival grounds
Not Allowed in VENUE
C Bota Bags or Alcohol
C Coolers
C Drugs & Drug Paraphernalia
C Fireworks/Explosives
C Knives/Weapons/Guns
C Outside Food or Beverage (All bags will be checked)
C Professional Cameras
C NO PETS allowed inside the Oktoberfest compound (licensed ADA assistants excepted).
ü Cigarettes
ü Digital Cameras (Non-Pro) and disposable Cameras
ü Fanny Packs
ü Empty Steins
ü Sunglasses
We are committed to providing a safe, welcoming and family friendly atmosphere for all attendees! To ensure a safe and fun Oktoberfest for everyone, each and every attendee must abide by the rules.
Enjoy the relaxed festival atmosphere, but be proactive about the security of your belongings.
Anyone caught selling or distributing illicit substances will immediately have their wristband cut and be ejected from the festival. Further legal repercussions are likely.
Rules may be updated with little to no notice. Please check back as the festival grows & develops for updates.
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