Oktoberfest USA

November 30, 2021
Miss La Crosse /Oktoberfest

Oktoberfest USA (La Crosse Festivals, Inc.) is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. They have the fiduciary and sustainability responsibility for Oktoberfest’s events, assets and the brand. Typical service is two consecutive three-year terms. The Festmasters serve as corporate Trustees. Officers and members change each January at the annual meeting of the corporation. Persons interested in serving on the board should submit a letter of interest to the Oktoberfest office during the month of October (after Oktoberfest) for consideration for expected vacancies. Oktoberfest employes a “working board” model. Office staff provide significant support but individual board members take responsibility for various components of events and operations.

Alex Lueck President Xcel Energy Angie Coenen President-elect UW-La Crosse Terry Zalewski Secretary PTM, Inc. James Brennan Treasurer River Steel Kevin Buelow Advisor Mayo Clinic Health System Terry Bauer Reinhart Food Service Doug Billings Empire Screen Printing Dave Guepfer La Crosse Center Gretchen Kunze Cass Street Pharmacy Brian Michaels MidWest Family Broadcasting Jon Reynolds Southern Italy Imports Kris Salzwedel La Crosse Center Bobbi Schoh Greater La Crosse Chamber of Commerce Kelly Wilde La Crosse Radio Group Dave Winiecki Associated Bank Courtney Daniels Operations Manager Kris Wagoner Office Manager Frank Bissen
magic guard magic garden philly magic grill magic genie magic game tonight magic hour magic honey magic hour rooftop magic house magic hat magic house st louis magic hour nyc magic hour tea magic items 5e magic in the hamptons magic initiate 5e magic injury report magic in the air magic island magic in the hamptons lyrics magic immersive chicago magic johnson magic johnson net worth magic jack magic johnson son magic johnson stats magic johnson theater magic johnson wife magic jack phone magic kingdom magic key magic keyboard magic key pass magic kingdom hours magic kingdom tickets magic kingdom rides magic keyboard ipad pro magic leap magic lights magic lantern magic legends magic lyrics magic loop knitting magic lamp magiclinen magic mixies magic mike magic mountain magic mixies cauldron magic mike xxl magic mouthwash magic mixies walmart magic mike cast magic nails magic number magic noodle magic number mlb magic nba magic nails countryside magic needle magic nails willowbrook magic of lights magic of lights anaheim magic orlando magic oven magic online magic of lights vail magic of lights milwaukee magic of belle isle magic poser magic potion magic puzzle company magic powder magic pixies magic poser web magic potion toy magicplan magic quadrant magic quotes magic quiver terraria magiquest magic quadrant gartner magic quadrant gartner 2021 magic quarterstaff 5e magic quiz magic roster magic ring crochet magical realism magic rude magical realism definition magic rub eraser magic root cover up magic roundabout magic spoon magic school bus magic spoon cereal magic shaving powder magic seaweed magic springs magic school bus characters magic synonym magic the gathering magic tree house magic tree house books magic the gathering arena magic tiles magic the gathering cards magic time machine magic tricks magic underwear magic under the stars magic underwear mormon magic users magic urn ffx magic unicorn magic used auto parts magic user's club magic vs bucks magic valley magic valley electric magic valley electric coop magic valley mall magic valley cinema magic village views magic vs magic wand magic wok magic wings magic waters magic weapon 5e magic words magic wireless magic wok menu magic x factoring magic x calculator magic xp quests osrs magic xp osrs magic xanadu magic xylophone magic xxl magic xp calculator osrs magic yoyo magic years magic yung gravy magic your way tickets magic yung gravy lyrics magic yarn project magic your way magic years daycare magic zombie magic zoom magic zendikar rising magic zach magic zoo magic zero magic zombie deck magic zone
Source: oktoberfestusa.com
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