3.53/5 rDev -3.6%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
355 ml bottle served cold into a pint glass. Purchased fro about $2.30 CDN as part of a six pack.
Appearance - Clear and rich dark orange colored with some reddish hues in certain lights. Nice looking dense and creamy two gingers of off-white head, robust head retention and lots of lively bubbles particularly near the top of the beer.
Smell - Plenty of grain, specifically some corn, aromas of autumn. Some slightly vegetative aromas, but nothing offputting.
Taste - Clean, lots of grain with some caramel sweet notes, bitterness is subdued. Traces of a spice flavor. Again tastes like fall.
Mouthfeel - Smooth, clean, moderate body and modest carbonation.
Overall - Decent Oktoberfest beer, far from the best butr far from the worth. Easy to drink and no off-flavors. Worth a shot if you're looking to but a couple away.