Pull on your lederhosen and lace up your dirndl – it’s time to celebrate Oktoberfest at CostumeBox! We’ve got more Oktoberfest costumes and party supplies than you can shake a stein at.
For the guys, our Bavarian guy costumes, lederhosen and German alpine hats will have you looking like a true Deutschman. For the frauleins, with our beer maid costumes, also known as dirndls, and plaited wigs you’ll look like you skipped straight from the Alps to the beer tent.
What is Oktoberfest? – It’s a traditional German celebration dating all the way back to the 1800s. This year, the festival officially starts on the 17 of October, although here in Australia, the celebrations can last well into November! Too much of a good thing is never enough.
The beginning of the festival is marked by the tapping of the first keg of Oktoberfest beer by the Mayor of Munich, the home of Oktoberfest. Unfortunately, this means Aussies don’t get to enjoy their first official sip until 8pm EST – but good luck getting us to wait!
Oktoberfest is celebrated by more and more Australians each year, so we recommend getting in fast to avoid missing out, Costumebox.com.au has many Oktoberfest costume ideas to choose from. Dressing up in traditional German dress is an essential part of Oktoberfest, so don’t get left out! You can even host your own authentic Oktoberfest at home – our Oktoberfest party supplies will have your party looking like an authentic Bavarian beer hall faster than you can say ‘Prost!’